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Teachers, Bring the magic of poetry to your students. I'll be honored to help you. 


Poetry enlivens our lives and our learning. Poetry can help you integrate confidence, competence, and Social Emotional Learning into your teaching. Even beginning learners appreciate poems. More advanced learners can respond with art, stories, poems, and project-based learning.


You can teach a poem a week on its own as spoken word for practice with rhythm and rhyme. You can teach a poem in more depth with more group discussion and writing follow-up activities.  


I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I am available to come to your classroom in person or via Zoom to do a poetry workshop with your students.


I am also available to offer professional development workshops with your faculty. We can integrate mindful learning with poetry or focus on poetry your learners can enjoy. 


Please contact me for more information. 


Send me comments, thoughts, or poems!
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